UFT President Michael Mulgrew announces the withdrawal of his support for Medicare Advantage!
On June 23rd, UFT President Michael Mulgrew sent two letters - one to the Municipal Labor Committee and one to the members of the UFT - announcing his withdrawal of support for the City's Medicare Advantage plan and from the ongoing negotiations on in-service healthcare. It's a good development, and it's entirely due to Retiree Advocate's big win in the RTC chapter election. We did this together! Bennett's response to Mulgrew follows.
Read moreRetiree Advocate is running in the Spring 2025 UFT election… as part of a coalition: ARISE
Retiree Advocate is running in the Spring 2025 UFT election…as part of a coalition:ARISEARISE – the Alliance of Retired and In Service Educators – is comprised of Retiree Advocate, along with the Movement of Rank and File Educators, and the New Action Caucus, and is open to others ready to fight for a better union for all of us. |
What will the UFT Retired Teachers Chapter look like with Retiree Advocate leadership?
I learned about quilling at the December 2022 RTC meeting. Quilling is the craft of bending and rolling strands of paper into decorative objects. I wasn't expecting to learn about quilling when I went to that RTC meeting; I was expecting to debate the UFT's plans to move me, and everyone else at the meeting, into a for-profit Medicare Advantage plan. Tom Murphy, Mulgrew's man at the helm of the Retired Teachers Chapter, had other plans. He didn't want to talk about healthcare. He wanted us to learn about the craft of quilling.
Read moreWhat's the Advantage of Mulgrewcare Advantage?
A riff on the April RTC meeting
The April 16th RTC meeting was interesting indeed. First of all, it was finally revealed in a Unity brochure that Tom Murphy will be running for RTC chapter leader again. He's done such a great job of supporting Mulgrew's give away of retiree health benefits that he's being awarded the Aetna-Mulgrew Seal of Approval®.
Read more2024 Retiree Advocate/UFT Election Platform
- Protect our Healthcare from being privatized – No Medicare Advantage
- Protect our Pensions
It's UFT Election Season
Retiree Advocate/UFT is running against Unity caucus in the Retired Teachers Chapter elections this May. In the coming campaign you will hear Tom Murphy and Michael Mulgrew tell you that Retiree Advocate/UFT is somehow anathema to Union. You will hear that we are working with forces that would destroy unions. That is not merely speculation on my part. We've already been hearing it from both of them at RTC meetings, Delegate Assemblies, Executive Board meetings, and virtual town halls.
Read moreCampaign Statement
Campaign Statement from Bennett Fischer, RA Candidate for RTC Chapter Leader
For nearly three years Retiree Advocate/UFT, and our allies from other NYC municipal unions, have been fighting to preserve our traditional Medicare benefits. Those benefits have been put up for sale to private insurance corporations who would profit at the expense of our health, by limiting our care and denying us services.
We cannot allow the Medicare Advantage industry to make our healthcare decisions for us, with their computer algorithms and their shareholders’ profits in mind. Our healthcare decisions must remain between us and our doctors.
Read moreCampaign Kick-off Press Release
From: Retiree Advocate/UFT
For release February 16, 2024
Retiree Advocate/UFT seeks leadership of the UFT Retired Teachers Chapter — fighting to preserve Medicare benefits
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RTC Meeting Handout - December 2023
Fighting Together for Retiree Rights
and wishing you a happy holiday season and a premium and co-pay free New Year!
A casual observer, listening to President Mulgrew's responses to questions at the November RTC meeting, would assume that our president has been battling the city for years, instead of working with the city to take away the retiree health benefits that UFT educators earned during our careers.
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