Retiree Advocate/UFT needs your help in reaching out to the greater community of UFT retirees.
Please help us get out the word that there is an important chapter election coming up in May, and that a vote for Retiree Advocate/UFT will be a vote for preserving the traditional, cost-free, Medicare benefits that we now enjoy.
UFT retirees need to know that our traditional Medicare benefits are being threatened by Mayor Adams, the MLC, and CVS/Aetna. Unfortunately, the Unity leadership of the UFT and of the UFT Retired Teachers Chapter is on board with the privatization of our healthcare.
Our leadership needs to change. When you were in-service you would never vote for a chapter leader who was in the principal's pocket, would you? We can't keep voting for an RTC leadership that is in the Mayor's pocket. Fortunately, we have a choice: We can vote for Retiree Advocate/UFT in the upcoming chapter election.
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